Business Water
From April 2017, eligible businesses and other non-household customers in England are now able to choose their supplier of water and wastewater retail services. The benefits that up to 1.2 million eligible customers could see will depend on the individual requirements of each business. But, in a competitive market, customers will be able to negotiate with retailers for the best price and service package to suit their needs.
As well as greater choice, customers can expect to save money and save water through lower bills and increased water efficiency.
Tailored services and bundled packages could also see customers benefit from better deals for their business.
A competitive water market is also expected to deliver over £200m of benefit to the UK economy and bring significant environmental benefits too.
Why switch your supplier?
With a choice of suppliers, you may benefit from:
- a wider choice of tariffs
- better standards of service
- tailored service offerings
- advice on saving water
- lower prices
- you will still benefit from the same water quality.
How we can help you...

Business Energy
Much like the stock market, the price of electricity and gas is unpredictable and as we have seen in recent years, can fluctuate considerably.

Supply Installation
We listen to the needs of our clients and understand how different developers and contractors require different areas of help and advice.